1. James I./Coney Island Life/ author
My metaphorical interpretation of this poem is that the poem is like a comparison to a game. I think this poem has a negative ring to it. Reading through this poem I felt, that the author had his dreams and inspirations. Then he lost his hope, and is trying to regain it.
2. The authors life was dramatic, to me because he compares it to a roller coaster, "having lived a coney island life on roller coasters ups and downs." His life was not consistent.
3. The authors life was also ironic, to me because he compared something in his like, as dolls. From what I was reading, he said it like it was something bad. It was something that he had to show for after all his hard work in life. "Now arms filled with dolls I threw so much for.
4. Then theres the last part of the poem that tops off everything that makes me believe that the author isn't that optimistic. But still has some kind of hope because he's considering options in life. "I take perhaps my last ride on this planet-carosel and ask how many more times around I have to catch that brass-ring-sun before the game is up." As you can see he knows that his time is limited, but he still considers the fact that he can still catch the brass-ring-sun before time is up.
5. Overall, the author compares his view on life which I interpreted to be used up, tiring, and pessimistic, to a familiar place to where he grew up. Coney Island.